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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Libby Lu Lu


Caz (the dachshund) eating an egg!!! Don't worry there is no baby chick inside!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lilly and Ginger Update

Lilly and Ginger are doing great!!! We extended their barn a little bit. They get lots of attention. I can't wait to ride them!!! We got them halters and I picked the colors, Lilly has a bright hot pink one, and Ginger has a neon purple one. They are so cute!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I love my lil' Libby Lu Lu

Stewie, Ruby and Zoey


Rosemary is one of our 2010 babies.


Malena is a Kentucky Speck Hen, that i got from a chicken auction. She lives with the pigs because my other chickens try to kill her. She is so friendly and sweet!


My horse Luna!


                                                                         I love Lilly!!!


Mumu, Lilly and Ginger

They are so friendly!

The Goats

Emmit and Mara. They are adorable!

The Ducks

 Mable, Clara and Mr. Duck.

Lilly and Ginger

On Wednesday, we got 2 mammoth donkeys, Lilly and Ginger. I love them! They are doing great. Ginger is the red one and Lilly is white. Lilly is the shy one, but she loves me and is not shy around me. Lilly is my favorite, but everybody else loves Ginger. They were shipped from Tennessee, and are doing GREAT!!!  I'm so excited that we got them!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lola's Glasses

                                                Is it Halloween yet???


The Horses

                                          "Treats please!!!"

                      The 3 horses!! Roscoe, Boo and Luna!


                                            Oh Krissy!!!



Miley, Miley, Miley...Your so cute!


                                     Lola is enjoying her toy!

Miley and Piper's Ball Game!

Miley and Piper are having a great time playing ball! So far Piper's winning. The score is 5 to 1.

Libby's Crazy Hair Day

Is it crazy hair day? The last I knew it wasn't. I guess Libby thinks it is. :)

Lexie and Libby Lu

Libby Lu

Libby is just hangin' out on the table outside. EEK! I love Libby! She is my Yorkshire Terrier! Her Birthday is May 29th and she is almost 2!!! I got her for my 9th birthday. 


Stewie taking a nap!!! Cute lil' boy.


Miley is the prettiest Bernese Mountain Dog alive!!! She is 3 years old and came from Cheka Slovakia. 

Chickens Names!!!

Well I have 6 chicks and 14 chickens...so that makes.....20 chickens in all. So the chicks are, The Rusty's (2), Rylee and Splash (the silkies). The silver laced chick is Lacey and the Buff Brahma is Hazel. The 14 chickens are Malena, Jamie, Jessi, Peanut, Honey, Bieber, Jazmine, Big Neck, Skiddy,Star, Michelle, Lulu Bell, Alice and Lil Miss Kiss. I love...............                                 CHICKENS!!!

Piper Relaxing!

          "Umm...Don't you see that I'm trying to sleep here???"

Crazy Chickens!!

Alice and Skiddy decided that they need to share a nest box! They are crazy but CUTE!!!

Chicks and I

                                        I love my little chicks!


My little chicks are outside on a nice Spring Day! Yay!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Luna and I

Luna is the best horse ever!